Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's been a December we want to Remember for Key West Sailing

 What a wonderful holiday season for us and our lucky stay// sail charters! Many of our clients are enjoying the wonderful 80 degree days and glorious sunsets like this one!
Just take a look at these Key West colors for the holiday season!  Flowers, palm trees, beautiful skies!
 Fun in the Sun everywhere you go, at the beaches, on our sailboats, people staying at anchor with us, eleven miles at sea, watching bald eagles playing, egrets, hawks and seagulls, and a few kayaking in front of an uninhabited island.  My wife, Ronda said, "every day, it's like we are on a movie set, or a reality show!"  
                                                         and  yes, so it seems some days.                                                  
 Look at these two, Teresa and Steve, here with us a couple of weeks ago, celebrating their 20th Anniversary!  They went out to sea overnight and we also invited them for lunch at our home.  
 Sailing open ocean, with lots of breezes, both boats went out to anchor off with two separate stay/sailing charters.  They were anchored off relaxing having dinner under the stars by sunset.
 We like to have you live like the locals, relax and be comfortable on our charter boats.
 Ronda says, to make sure that everyone is given a license to chill when you come stay with us in Key West!
Party like a rock star, or be low key, whatever suits you, stay in the middle of the historic seaport where anything you wish to do is close by.  Ronda sent around funny pictures of what her version of  12 days of Christmas in the Keys was like; this was 12 starfish a jammin'  
 Enjoy the feeling of the tropical atmosphere, whether at the docks, strolling through our historic seaport
We have had the most active season and still have people coming in for New Year's and folks at anchor last night and some more folks coming on board today.  The future looks bright and we hope yours is too in 2012

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Party's Over, but it's always a FUN Festival in Key West!

The Fantasy Fest was a little bit rainy but, we had fun just the same; after all, with a theme like "Aquatic Afrolic", who cares? The snow and ice is already hitting places where friends and family are from Cape Cod to Colorado, and the rainy season is coming to a close here in the Keys. We have a stay charter we call the "Key West Sampler" for two checking into Obsession tomorrow and Nick and guest will stay at the docks the first night, relax and get used to the boat and get in step with the boat, stroll along the docks and take in a few sounds and sights, then Tuesday we come with their food and provisions, take them out on a 24 hour adventure sailing, snorkeling, fishing, exploring about ten miles out into the more natural Florida Keys. They will swim and relax, beach comb an uninhabited island, our first mate and captain treat them to a dinner under the stars (yes, we expect to have starry night with a nice slip of moon) and after an overnight at anchor, bring them back gradually the docks, after checking out a couple of reefs, and just sailing lightly back into the dock where they will spend one more night, maybe taking in the Duval night crawling spots. We cater to your whims and whatever package you choose, you can adapt to fit any day, tell us what you want! Come down and sail away with us! DECEMBER IS OPEN right up to the 23rd. THERE ARE A FEW OPENINGS BEGINNING AND END OF NOVEMBER.

Captain Albert and Ronda

9 am - 9 pm EST

305 304 4911

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ready for Fantasy Fest! November booked solid! December openings!

Dramatic sunsets, purple, mango, peach all winter! Most days in the 80's daytime, our nights in the 70's; the first three weeks of December are open (November is almost totally full!) so call us now if you plan to join us for any of our custom charters this fall and winter. We are ready for Fantasy Fest this week! Folks arriving already to stay on board one of the sail boats for several days. They will be in the midst of all the fun but secluded on the sailboat at night.

Call any day 9 am - 9 pm 305 304 4911!

email for best connection to us.

If we don't see you Fantasy Fest, stay safe this weekend for Halloween!

Capt. Albert and Ronda

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October in Key West! One opening for Fantasy Fest on Wildthing!

Can you believe it's October? Nice weather warm and light winds make for great sailing right now.  All of our November dates are booked! While several folks in West Virginia, North Carolina and Washington, DC got a dusting of snow this past week, we can tell you that it's always nice in the Fall and Winter here in our Sub Tropical zone.  Looking back at our summer, we had some of the most memorable weddings, sunset sails and at sea on anchor packages that we can recall in recent history.  Lots of wonderful weekends are open in October including 4 days right now at Fantasy Fest.  Call us now; October and December weekends open call anytime 9 am- 9 pm seven days a week.  Custom stay/sail charters.  Learn to sail and fish with your family.  Stay / Sail Charters - choose how ever many days you want at sea or at the docks.  

cell 305 304 4911

Happy October everyone! Sending you sunshine from the Florida Keys

Friday, September 16, 2011


Facebook: Los Angeles comes to Key West! Two crew members, including a director, recently stayed two nights at sea with! We will protect their identities for now but let's just say the happened to be in the neighborhood (Miami) working on a new fall show!

Stay tuned for pictures and details if they allow us to post on our Face Book page under our company name or my personal name (Albert Tropea, Jr.) They had so much fun 10 miles at sea, wanting to be "away from it all even downtown Key West" for a couple of days. Swimming, snorkeling, exploring, sailing and fishing were on the itinerary! Frenchy, first mate and her friend Tammy were invited to take on the town when the crew returned from sea, exclaiming praises for their fun two day explore. They gave us their special diet needs which we are more personally concerned about more than ever, with more people turning to either vegetarian, or in their case, organic and high protein diet. Within reason and available shopping in Key West, we fulfill your menu needs for your trip out on anchor on our Key West Sampler packages or any overnights at sea. It is our goal to provide only the best service we can! Relax, and restore your energy with a special package with us. Make up your own like they did! It's summer all the time in Key West! We will have temps in the upper 80's from October (still have a few openings) November (almost sold out; only six days left where you can choose one of the boats) and December is mild too; so make plans now before it's too late and cold and grey where you are this winter.

Call any day of the week, 9 am - 9 pm and we will fill the bill on your dream vacation get away for up to six! At the dock, at sea or overseas!

Captain Albert and Ronda
305 304 4911

email is
September 16, 2011

'via Blog this'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ship's bLog another summer wedding on Wild Thing!

Ship's bLog-It was a magical day Wednesday, August 24 as Andrea and Mark with family and friends all from California choose Key West and our sailboat to launch their new life together; the clouds looked like angel wings and clover leaves. Wild Thing was in the middle of two huge systems; one side with rainbows, the other with fascinating shaped clouds that looked like the heavens opened up and smiled! It was an emotional but happy day for everyone. We sailed "into the blue" right down the middle.

Look for our pictures on Face Book. You can enjoy our sunsets for any special occasion you have or make one up. see our web site

for more information; email
call Capt/ Rev. Albert 305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm any day.

If you believe in magic, and want something to remember your special day, sail with us!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ship's bLog It's August, do you know where your vacation is now?

Ship's bLog It's August, last minute family vacations, lots of rush to be ready for back to school. Just don't forget we have the perfect temps from Feb. - Dec. in the upper 80's or 90's in the FL Keys! and today, another family vacation, a full day sail to the Boca Grande beautiful uninhabited island. You must consider this as a day time trip over night or 3 day stay....can't be beat! Call now and book for up to January stays and get the summer special my wife has me holding it; if you pay all in advance book five or more nights, the fifth is free no charge for all school age children under 18, or adults for a limited time.....see our web site for regular packages and Capt. Albert 305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm EST seven days a week. I will be out of town PLEASE SOMEBODY CALL HIM

History lessons; My wife Ronda is now a bug hunter; with a Corpus Christi background, an uncle as a supreme shrimper, and Arkansas child hood I knew she would be a bug hunter. She started baiting her own fish hooks at five years old. Got her limit on first day first time hunt; just snagged up those bugs while I sat there and watched with a Corona with my Friend Ken from California. She's good with a net mind you!

Anyway, we found some history for you -
good history from the book "Yesterday's Florida Keys" quote;

As early as 1875 Tavernier and surround islands, including offshore Rodriguez Key, Julia Key and Planter would be producing up to one million crates of pineapples a year along with key limes, tomatoes, and melons. Capt. Ben Baker settled what is now Planter and grew pineapples about 1866. Sam and Caroline Johnson came 20 years later to farm at Planter and give it its name.

By 1850, several previously occupied offshore islands near Tavernier showed no sign of human use except for the stacked crawfish traps commercial fishermen might keep on them. On one of the islands, Bottlepoint Key, six miles into Florida Bay from Tavernier, was located one of the few Florida breeding areas for the distinctive Roseate spoonbill. In the spring of 1940 when the breeding colony was discovered, Robert Porter Allen director of sanctuaries for the National Audubon Society, came to the island to live while studying the birds. The colony has increased and thrived.

We love our bug hunting for spiny lobsters, gorgeous waters and fowl, and you will too. for pictures and packages.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ship's bLog dolphins swimming with us and sharks jumping out of the water playing???

Ship's bLog Hi anyone out there following our great adventures we have something amazing over the weekend! A Dad with his boys joined us for one of our Key West Samplers and on the second day with us stayed at anchor overnight. Frenchie and I went out with them and let the boys steer the boat, fish and snorkel. While we were at one of the reefs, a shark lept out of the water spinning and rolling like a dolphin! Just a month ago, we have had wild dolphins join our charter and swim around the snorkelers! we think that maybe the "like" keywestsailingadventure as well!

I tried to send over some pix and may have to check and see; we were out at sea so far that it may be possible we were too far out from it all!

Call 305 304 4911 or email us - and join us for your own personal adventure. We can design our packages around your group, family or friends.

Going to take a long night of sleep with a smile on my face!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Facebook it's a new week sliding into Fourth of July

Facebook We had a great 4 days, 3 nights at sea charter, and The Feinster's were quiet generous with their tip to Capt. Chris and Frechie! Everyone was very happy, a bit more sun one was lost at sea, went overboard or anything weird or scary so all is good! The first night, Capt. Chris jumped in the water and took the spear gun to add some hog fish to the menu! I know that the charter loved it! We will keep you in the know on that one; also we had a great wedding charter yesterday, with Ron (Chapel by the Sea) officiating the ceremony; a beautiful perfect couple! pictures are coming soon.

You also can call any time seven days a week and design your charter any way you wish; if we don't have what you want on our web site just ask. We are flexible and can work within your ideas and budget. Local friendly, we love to have fun with you!

Capt. Albert and Ronda Tropea

305 304 4911

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ship's bLog Another Weekend in Paradise now back to work but; play for us too!

Ship's bLog had another good weekend-nobody got drunk or naked, it was very relaxed around the docks; the bottom of the boat Wild Thing! was cleaned middle of last week and had just a few minor glitches, so I am going work on the electric system again today. Since we have two boats, and we are sailors, after all, it's so easy to put up a sail or jib... if we have issues or mechanical electrical distractions.

Bev and David Boone just left this morning after having a stay/sail/ snorkel weekend with us. They added a couple of hours to their free 2 hour sail included with their 2 overnights at the dock. The weather was a blessing in disguise, as it was slightly overcast, so the air was much cooler than you would expect, and we get "sea breezes" staying mostly in the mid 80's since February; so why bake in the Mid West and North East when you can sail away with us?

call me, 305 304 4911

9 am - 9 pm EST

Enjoy your Monday Folks.

Have a good week and let's go sailin'

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ship's bLog It's a Wrap! Great filming of Duarte Marine's Solo mooring device, and a wedding honeymoon package that could not be beat; great weekend

Ship's bLog Our weekend was a busy one, and we are just catching our breathe! We had Duarte Marine here on Obsession filming our newest addition to our boats services, a self-mooring device! This will come in handy when we are sailing in areas far from shore.

The wedding package that Sheena and Tim Hodges enjoyed included pictures on a uninhabited beach! Derek and Robin Holk from Houston, Texas were just here, ASA certified sailors themselves, and made up some mean green mojitoes for Capt. Rich and Frenchy! they were at sea this weekend and it was a perfect charter. Capt. Rich reported that there was a huge Goliath Group the size of our couch that cruised slowly past our Frenchy with the happy snorkelers in the water just after a school of medium swordfish swam by! The thunder in the distance was the short little storm loud but in the middle of the night we had up the Keys a bit with some welcomed rain!

We are getting ready for friends from Panama (the country ) to join us for my wife's birthday June 15th out sailing with their family all day to share stories about life in his country!

Then, June 18-Bev and David Boone join us for a personal charter stay at the docks; he's a pilot and has been to Key West several times and just cannot wait to show Bev around the town! They are traveling all over and are in California right now. We are glad to have them aboard Wild Thing! They are going to upgrade to a four hour sail (they get two hours of sailing in their 2 day package anyway) and bring some friends staying elsewhere in town.

Sunday my wife Ronda and I went to Homestead and brought back two boxes of mangoes; They will be the frozen treats and drinks we will enjoy through the holidays and we also have a box of lechees to enjoy.

It's always a good day in the Florida Keys and especially when you do your own private charter your way with us.

We love what we do and it shows! We live on Key West time and your time your way.

305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm EST any day of the week.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ship's bLog Getting ready for the weekend already!

Ship's bLog Everybody's working for the weekend and we are no exception - well except what we call work is often play! Frenchy our first mate says "welcome to my office" in her Canadian accent it's even better, as she strolls across our decks and chats up the charters. It's true though, the boats are her office and she loves it- it shows! she and Tammy today spent a good deal of time shining up Obsession getting ready for a special filming of a self mooring device from Duarte Marine, a brand new invention from Tony Duarte and crew; if you are a solo sailor, keep a watch for this! We will keep you posted...

Also, a quick welcome back to Captain Rich, who said - without being too mean, that he could not take the pollution up north (we will just leave it at that) - after watching debris go past the boat he was in charge of, just said that's it, going to go back to Key West......And, we just talked to Robin and Derek, sailors in their own rights, are just this moment stepping aboard the Wildthing! The crew will put a coat of wax on Wildthing! during the day tomorrow while our charter walks around and explores Key West, and then sail off for another overnight on Saturday with Robin and Derek. Right now, they are getting back from exploring Mallory Square, walking by Schooner Wharf bar and plan to have some fun! Capt. Rich with the stylings of our Frenchy the first mate will pamper & spoil them prepare, cook and clean after each meal, and have a blast this weekend at sea.

The boats are comfortable, we want you to kick back literally, sprawl out on the decks and pretend you own the boat!

We know you are looking for an escape; hold it up - here's your sign: Gone sailin' in Key West; coming back - maybe never!

Wouldn't you rather be sailing with us?

Times are filling in quick for June we love it~ and July has a lot of inquiries today. Check out new pictures on FB by this evening of our visit with Expedia and crew. We only want to be better at what we do, personal and professional but fun charters; if you can dream it, we will bust our butts to do it!

Call me - 9 am - 9 pm EST daily! 305 304 4911
Capt. Albert with Ronda

ahoy mateys! it's time to give yourself permission to have some fun this summer with us!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ship's bLog: June 2011 Another great wedding charter!

Ship's bLog: June 2011-Dreams do come true! Sheena (Hodges) and Timothy Moore (now Mr. and Mrs. Moore) enjoyed their wedding/honeymoon package this past week June 4-5 and returned the docks to relax the last night in Key West. They were on a special package designed just for them.

We will have Face Book video/pictures up to see - a couple of pix today and more tomorrow of the new Moores' adventure. They stayed at the dock the first and third night much like our "Key West Sampler" but also did their wedding with the bouquet, his lapel was also adorned, a chocolate! wedding cake (watch for the pix) and I was the official doing the ceremony.

A sunset wedding, then overnight then a nice walk on the Boca Grande Beach; they were so cute walking on the beach together 11 miles out to sea! all for the price of what a gown would cost (well, I do not know for sure; then just about the same $ and her gown was just magnificent. Can you tell my wife Ronda helped me with words?) They were met at the dock the second day of their stay, after her hair and makeup was amazingly beautiful done by a local mobile artist; she did not need any make up we thought! then- Food for the overnight, fuel, crew, sodas, water, fun, snorkel gear; Oh and we included our pictures, gave them a CD just before they left after stopping in Ramrod Key to say goodbye, picking up sandwiches and drinks from the Five Brothers #2 just down the road from our home. Before you give away a lot of money to the canned weddings, we can save you big and make it stress free down in Key West!

Dress relaxed, dress up, or wear a swim suit and sandals.

Life is good; if it needs more good in your life, call me Albert 305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm any time EST

follow us on facebook under Albert Tropea, Jr or Keywestsailingadventure

Saturday, June 4, 2011 What a fun life let's see who reads this one!

Well, my wife just won't share the "fun in the sun" that is borderline adult rated but here it is anyway and let's see who reads it!  Life is different here in Key West; we let people do what ever they wish!  Last night and then again today our current charter is so fun, our first mate that is alternative brought her partner and last night then again today, well, let's say that a show was put on.  The charter just wanted to hang out on Duval with our first mate and her partner, then today, oh well, let's just party! they are two fun straight guys just wanting to have good friends and good guides around; they did not care and encouraged our girls to cuddle each other and give a toast to the sunset! what can we say? do whatever you want your way.    There are many stories we won't repeat because what you do in Key West, stays in Key West. One of our captains recently got back from New York ; reason? he was asked to stay in touch with someone who wanted a driver to go to NY.   Alternative, nude sun bathing, we don't care what  ever you want is our command.  Tomorrow we sail out with a great couple, pregnant who are getting married at sea having an overnight.

How romantic is that/ it's on your own terms.

Live life out loud life is good.

see how at sea.

Memories of a lifetime in a few days!

If you want to have something special birthday, anniversary, commitment vows, if you dream it most likely we can do it or already have! tell us what you want to happen for you and your charter.

Capt. Albert available 9 am - 9 pm           EST
305 304 4911

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ship's bLog Key West Sailing Adventure living out the dream!

Ship's bLog Yesterday we had a super family aboard and we enjoyed the brisk sailing, good conversations with the son and daughter having just graduated with their PHd's and mom and dad aboard living out a dream! weather is usually different here than even 30 miles away, almost always different from Miami. So if you love sailing, want to stay on the Obsession our 37 ft. O'day or 44 Ft. Morgan with a hard top, the WildThing, call me 9 - 9 EST 305 304 4911 and tell me what you want to do with your sailing dreams. Stay aboard, sail, sail out to sea and stay on anchor. Flexible packages, we can work with your budget and thoughts in mind.

wouldn't you rather be sailing instead of watching TV or looking at videos about sailing? live the dream; come and become the adventure!

Capt. Albert Tropea and Ronda Rinald
owners/ operators

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ship's bLog Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Ship's bLog Great Memorial Day Weekend for us about to kick into high gear, wishing YOU were here!! We have both boats booked, had a big long six hour fun day sailing to and from reef with some super people, and you can join us this summer too with family, friends, or make it a couples only retreat! or Face Book us if you want under Key West Sailing Adventure (or Albert Tropea Jr.) Take a look at the fun photos and make plans to join us too on your own adventure.

June brides, we are saving space for you~ under 3K you can have an intimate wedding, and still have a honeymoon at sea.

Flowers for you and groom, cake, the notary (is yours truly, Capt. Rev. Albert) then you sail into the sunset for as many days as you want to spend near uninhabited beautiful islands, snorkeling, fishing, swimming and dining under the stars. If you need to do re commitment vows or a special birthday just tell us what you want to happen. Space open at July 4th, so if we missed you this weekend, don't worry; be happy!

Take a look at our website,

Wouldn't you rather be SAILING?

305 304 4911

Monday, May 23, 2011

Key West Sailing Adventure - ready for the summer!

Key West Sailing Adventure Since the world did not end and we were out sailing waiting for the sunset, we decided "if it ends, we are at the end of the world this is the spot to be" .... we had on board our two parti poodles Starsha and Zeno with Alexandra and her mom Alicia, a new mate in training Tess, with Capt. Tom Spaulding, we set our GPS and could have navigated anywhere if need be. Seriously (well, as serious as we can be in the Florida Keys) ready for our summer, boats have openings so tell a friend to check us out since they can stay on board for their stay/sail charter and choose from a number of sailing packages. We do have an occasional request for pets to stay on board and we only ask if you would either make sure that they have their own cozy crate and that you at least have a good trained pet. Kind of like children; you just need to know your pet is ok with a boat. It's really easy to stay on board as we are in the middle of everything and it's just a few short steps to be anywhere when you are in the Historic Seaport. Call whenever you want more information at 304 304 4911 EST 9am - 9 pm and customize your package, tell us what you want. plan your vacation the way you want; live out the dream!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ship's bLog A Dog Day Afternoon! Sunset was amazing

Ship's bLog we enjoyed a wonderful day at with our furry friends Starsha and Zeno the parti poodles on board with Alicia (daughter in law) and Alexandra (grand girl) Capt. Tom and new mate in training Tess. It was a good day to watch the sunset, and we must have missed the end of the world since Key West is magical and being out in the ocean, well, it would have been a good day if it all came to an end! Needless to say, we were very happy to have smooth sailing, nice breezes and just flawless sunset. We do have some people that we have had bring dogs on board, but we do interview the guests and make sure that it is as fun for the dog and safe too for all.

Check out our Face Book page for pictures of the parti poodles.

call anytime you want to plan your own "dog day afternoon" family, friends, couples, it was a little spot of rain that disappeared in seconds just cooled us down just as we came into port.....9 am - 9 pm, check out our rates, or just ask,we will come up with your own package ideas.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog May 11, 2011

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog May 11, 2011: "Ship's bLog Key West is doing well on every level! super weather, growing economy, and everywhere people are happy...wish you were here! Su..."

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog May 11, 2011

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog May 11, 2011: "Ship's bLog Key West is doing well on every level! super weather, growing economy, and everywhere people are happy...wish you were here! Su..."

Ship's bLog May 11, 2011

Ship's bLog Key West is doing well on every level! super weather, growing economy, and everywhere people are happy...wish you were here! Summer specials include stay four days, fifth night is free!! Or, if you are local or already staying somewhere elsein town, just ask us about an afternoon of our best summer fun package "sail swim snorkel supper sunset" package!~ we will cook for you after you have sailed and went snorkeling and you relax as the sunsets. Sail with us this summer, 305 304 4911, with family, friends, couples, learn to sail, celebrate birthdays, restate vows, get married and let us take you out to the un inhabited islands for your honeymoon. Just recently, we were out frequently with clients that wanted to get away from it all and discover the true Key West style at sea!

It seems that economy is improving and we still have the best weather, plus we have not increased our prices in four years to help boost interest in making your choose for your Key West vacation. Key West has an international artistic flavor that is more like the Bahamas than the United States, but a good mix of all cultures live in peace here from many ports.

So if you are craving that island feel, relax on Key West Time with us! call 9 am - 9 pm EST seven days a week!

See you this summer~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ship's bLog May and June Weddings

Ship's bLog We are starting to get more requests for weddings. We actually got married on our boat, handled everything we do for our guests normally that do weddings, so it was easy. For less than 3k, we do a complete wedding / honeymoon and it's more special when it's at sea. Tonight we booked another at sea adventure/wedding overnight!

Seems impossible that it is May already, and will be Mother's Day then Father's Day soon; families especially generational such as parents, with adult children and grand children like to come down for vacation during the summer when the reefs are so beautiful you can see through the water like glass!

Call us anytime you have an idea of something personal that you want to do at sea; family sailing, anniversary, celebrate a graduation, wedding/ honeymoon or restate your vows. It's your boat the whole time. We are different from some of the bigger boats, (which if you just want a quick trip out to sea with 40 other folks and don't mind that kind of trip, there are lots of those type of trips available here in Key West)- but we make sure that you feel relaxed have lots of breathing room and feel like you own your own yacht.

If you can dream it we will do it for you,

call me and ask how,

Capt. Albert

305 304 4911
9 am - 9 pm EST

May 3, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Key West Sailing Adventure celebrates May day with you!

iGoogle Key West Sailing Adventure recognizes "May Day! May Day!" as May we win! Osama -zero Obama-WON
As sailors, we recognize the terror at sea that still happens when real live pirate types like Osama Bin Laden invade our land and sea.

Osama terrorized his own people and we should remember the monster did harm his own followers. It's not the religion as much as it is the insane gene that runs through the extreme terrorists. It is hard to say it but if we are truly "spiritual" and want peace, we must also take a moment to pray for peace and pray for the families that have already lost so much. Our Navy Corpsman son now stationed in Jacksonville and recently spent time in GTMO. We are sensitive to this because we live just 90 miles from Cuba/GTMO. Most people agree that the terrorists are world wide criminals and should answer for their crimes.

In the meantime, we must practice restraint and patience.

We are so lucky to have the opportunity to have good health even though we complain about just most anything, we do at least, have opportunities to make better choices in the USA.

Taking a vacation and to dream a little dream of Key West should be at the top of your healthy choices too. We just got back from an overnight last night, a bit dramatic for the folks from the Netherlands, at least three water spouts sighted as the sun went down, twelve miles out - but no worries, everyone was fine on their real live adventure. Thursday night, we had perfect weather beautiful sunset sunrise with moonset at the same time. The family had on board a three year old and we enjoy having them visit every year.

Water spouts are a bit scary at sea, so it can be a different day almost any day. Our captains are never slow to act and take care to make good decisions when it comes to weather conditions at sea.

Memorial Day is booked out, so if you plan to be here for Father's Day call or contact us soon. Rates are flexible if you want to make a deal for summer now is the time to book early and get the best discounts. Fourth of July is perfect especially if you anchor off and watch at sea. Ask about a Key West Sampler when you call us. Follow the old time pirate routes.

Call Captain Albert 9 am - 9 pm any day!

Ronda for Captain Albert
Peace, out!

May 1-2, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ship's bLog-Key West 4/15/11

Ship's bLog Tax Time and Key West Time are you ready for a long weekend??? it's actually after midnight 12:05 EST and everyone survived taxes. Now, pack up those bags me mateys, and drive, hitch hike or get a bus or plane even a ferry boat from Ft. Myers and make a cool change for a long weekend.

We love to get folks on the boat the first and third night then take them overnight the second night, after they have gone to Schooner Wharf, walked off the stress, heard a few crooners sing the blues and after a morning Cuban coffee, gather up the provisions and take off to an overnight at anchor, then spoil them after a day of exploring a sandy uninhabited beach, dinner we cook for them under the stars. Sounds like a movie set? We have reasonable rates when you break it all down. If you want a romantic getaway, this is the best ever. But if you have another couple and they share the costs, it's better than eating out somewhere else on the island. We ask what you want to eat, fish, shrimp or meat, shop for you, and then for 24 hours noon to noon on the second day, take you out to explore, sail, even fish away from it all, away from the accountants, the bosses, the noises, sirens, all that stuff that makes you tense.

How do we do it? For the WildThing, 44 ft Morgan, we offer it for $395/night or our Obsession, 37 ft. O'Day, both are based on double occupancy (this is at the docks - you also have AC ad electric plus can cook) we provide linens, towels, some basics for the heads/bathrooms. Second couple sharing the other cabin? Just add another $90 per night. If you stay at anchor, we shop for you and a captain and a mate work at your beckon and call. After at sea overnight, they will cook breakfast, coffee and launch setting sail for a reef and swim,with lunch en route you leisurely make your way back to the docks and hang out relaxing the third night.
Of course you can tell us if you have something else in mind.

Capt. Chris and Frenchy have caught dinner appetizers lately - "oh need something else on the plate?" splash 'here is a lobster' haha the ocean is a great place to have stories when you come back home. Dolphins and pink flamingos are being sighted daily.

Call Captain Albert if you want to get married he is now an ordained minister and former president of Toastmasters so you have no excuse; we can put together a very fun inexpensive wedding; we did it ourselves - got married on Wild Thing.

So what's your reason for not joining us in April, May or June?
call 305 304 4911 between 9 am - 9pm EST.....

That's it for the night watch for me, until next time, set your course and let go those life lines, time to be free.

RJ Rinald

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ship's blog-Key West Sailing Adventure kicks off April

Ship's bLog March was packed and April is underway with the Captain and Crew doing a lot of over night adventures at anchor or all day charters to an uninhabited island with a sandy beach away from it all! or call Capt. Albert 305-304 4911 as there are a lot of openings on upcoming holiday weekends Easter, Memorial Day and July 4th!

Key West History:

"The Key West Hooker Chronicles"

huh?? well, we have some of those tales of what you thought but.... let's say that Sponge Bob Square Pants of today's 21st century cartoon icon would live probably in the sponge beds of the Florida Keys, at least we think that's most likely where is his colorful world. His biggest threat then would be the same one as his other spongy ancestors of being captured by Key West spongers-known as "Hookers".
Ha ha gotcha on that one.

Sponges are multi-celled, low-order animals that fasten themselves to the ocean floor in colonies and remain there throughout their life cycles unless forcefully removed. Their unique water filtering system is what made them an attractive item of absorbency.

Sometimes, we find them on the beaches down here in the Keys. We think of them as baskets for shells we gather but they have been a vibrant industry in the many years that fishermen have been in the Florida Keys. Recently, we saw a young man bring in a boat load of sponges, most likely selling his wares to the Key West Aloe Company or local gift shops. It made us think about the original sponge hooker.

However, the beginning of the sponger industry goes back to 1848. While sailing the waters of the Florida Keys in the spring of 1848, Bahamian wrecker William Kemp happened upon a very large and prolific sponge bed. He gathered up a boat load and headed for Key West, where he tried to sell them but to no avail. Kemp judged the sponges to be as good s those imported from the Mediterranean. Dauntless, he gambled his future hunch and listened to his instincts by taking a ship load of Key West sponges to New York City. His hunch paid off handsomely. Finding an instant market for the sponges, Kemp sold them all and returned to Key West with a pocketful of contracts from New York. Publicly he announced that he would pay 10 cents per pound for all sponges brought to port, William Kemp single-handled gave birth to the Key West Sponge Industry.

So the next time you watch Sponge Bob with your kids, tell them that their spongy friend most likely lives somewhere in the Florida Keys and bring the kids on a family vacation where you can look for those sponge cousins when you go snorkeling with us! This summer all school age kids under 18 are free.

Call Captain Albert 9 am - 9 pm and design your vacation with us. 305 304 4911

Submitted for the Captain who is coordinating at sea adventures right now,

April 4, 2011

ARGH me mateys!

First Mate Ronda

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ship's bLog-Key West Sailing Adventure March over view

Ship's blog-Obsession and Wild thing both had the best month in 14 years this March! We want you to know we have lots of openings for your summer plans; both Easter and Memorial Day have last minute cancellations but won't last long, since we noticed this morning that there are many getting snow north of Key West. Thinking about coming down, call us early while you have some options. We like to encourage our guests to stay the first night at the dock, sail out and stay overnight the 2nd (and 3rd night) experience the wonder of the Florida Keys at anchor under the stars, then return to spend their last night finishing up fun on Duval and shopping. We call it the "Key West Sampler" different from anything you could do at the hotels or on board any other boats.

We have been busy with many new boating friends joining us since our last blog and recently returned from a four- day vacation in Central Florida. It is always a magical experience to come over that Monroe County Line and we breathe a sigh of relief to be able to escape "far from the maddening crowd". The drive down the Keys out of the Miami airport will certainly put you in a different frame of mind; but there are many more Key West direct flights especially coming out of other Florida locations. We know that South Caroline, Texas and Atlanta Georgia have been getting good connecting flights.

We have certainly enjoyed the cool mid 70 degree nights, and the mid to upper 80's all month long, so if you have been here before you know that March and April through May can be the best time ever.

Today's Historic Comments:

When John Lee Williams traveled the Florida Keys in the early 1830's making observations incorporated in his book "The Territory of Florida" he wrote, "The Florida Keys are altogether an extraordinary archipelago of the islands and reefs".....Williams never intended his book, published in 1837, to be a literal, historical account, .....In his assessment of the island chain, however, he is correct. With the world's coastlines mapped, geographers know there is, in character and composition, no others archipelago on this planet to duplicate the Keys. (As written in the foreword of "Yesterday's Florida Keys" a book I am enjoying these days, written by Stan Windhorn and Wright Langley. I am amazed at the information not only as seen through the wonderful black and white photographs of days gone by but also the geography notes. "The age of the Keys is as debatable as that of a fading movie queen," states the writers. Historians point out that the Florida Keys are 50,000 years old but many geologists believe they could be 100,000 years older! Wow, that is an aging movie queen and we have some of those queens on Duval Street today doing live shows. The disparity in these estimates of the Florida Keys time line comes from the fact that the Keys were slow in emerging from the coral, limestone and oolite foundation with the emergence of these materials coming at different times. Geologists suggest that most of the Keys have been above and below water four times since the Pleistocene Era.

More important it seems than who these earliest visitors were is what it is that they saw. Ponce de Leon, sailing down the Florida coast from St. John's River to the Florida Keys, observed islands saw the more common trees found in the Caribbean and other island which would have been tidal flats but for their solid cover of red mangroves. In these dark web of jungle like appearance comprising the interior were panther, bear and the now protected tiny "Key" deer.

Ponce de Leon found local tribes of Indians, said to be large in stature seven feet tall Caloosa Nation Indians which may be an exaggeration of their height. These non-agricultural non-socially developed tribes were separated by the Everglades from the other part of their tribe that controlled much of the land from the Florida West Coat south from Tampa Bay.

These islander Indians were living in ease, on easily obtainable shellfish, and probably the first people "living on Key West Time".

We hope that you won't wait so long to the next Ice Age to come down and find your more relaxed vacation with us on board one of our boats, sailing the old pirate or Indian routes, lounging around in the tropical sun.

Call us soon for summer packages and rates. The snow will thaw soon where you are and we know you will have cabin fever. Call anytime between 9 am - 9 pm seven days a week.

Captain Albert and first mate/wife/office manager et al, Ronda


March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog-KEY WEST Sail boat Charters for the weekend 3/7/11

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog-KEY WEST Getting ready for the Weekend with both Sail Boats. We still have a lot of Spring Break action in Key West with more families than ever coming down when the kids under 18 are out of school. Moms and Dads just wanna have fun! Wild Thing is being prepped today for the weekend. Guests on board Obsession are here through Sunday. We had Kuni and Jeff celebrating their 25th Anniversary with us and today they say good bye; we will miss you and hope you enjoyed sailing with us!

Keys to The Keys History go way back to the 1500's.

The Florida Keys were called "Martyres" in 1564 Map drawn by Frenchman Jacques le Moyne. Spaniards name them "Los Martires" supposedly because of the twisted shapes of the Keys. I had never heard of this and was surprised that anyone even knew about the Keys back then. Both versions of this spelling was used on early maps. Members of Ponce de Leon's 1513 expedition first applied the anme Los Martires when this conquistador received possibly undeserved credti for the discovery of Florida. It's probably a good thing Ponce de Leon did not have a lot of money or battalions to his expeditions else we may have had a whole different history of name sakes or a more intense French holding. Good old Ponce luckily was not a pirate in his travels!

Substantial history indicates that Sebastian Cabot actually discovered Florida mainland at least the most northern of the defined Keys in 1498. It is believed that Columbus saw the southernmost Keys in his 1492 voyage of discovery. Columbus was sailing from the Bahamas in search of Cuba, when he made a reference to small islands, inaccessible to sailors because of the reefs and shallow water, seen to his north.

Something that is yet to be proven are very recent finds in Illinois and up the Mississippi as Memphis is actually an old Egyptian name and gold statues were found in caves at the end of the Mississippi. The middle eastern evidence is just now beginning to be unveiled and may be written into text books (do schools still use books now??) Lest I divert too much, back to the facts jack !

More likely is the possibility that unknown slavers were the first to come to the Florida Keys. Enslaved Indians from Florida were in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Dominica before Ponce de Leon organized his 1513 voyage.

Little is known to this reader how the slaves came to be sold by their fellow Africans in the first place to the United States at first (didn't you know this? Black tribes sold those defeated into slavery first; I wish we could make that more obvious in our history). However, I think as a sailor myself, maybe when Columbus, Ponce de Leon and other travelers could not "shang hai" their help, maybe that is how this whole slavery from Africa was fueled. Things happen at sea even today makes this writer wonder what we don't know.

I'm just saying, get out to sea and hit some waves, sailors overboard, terrible sickness and death at sea, well, it could get desperate. Then what do you do with a full boat of folks once you don't sail? Sell them into the country you retire? It's a bothersome history to me as it is. Just wondering what happens at sea now with pirates makes me wonder about these things. Next time someone gets you going on the slavery issue, just remind them "a black tribe that won a war sold their captors first." Terrible thing this whole war idea even today; there is always somebody lording over somebody. Our son is serving in GTMO and we have conflicted ideas of sorts why this world has some types of slavery all the time. He's doing a good job best he can as a Navy sailor.

I suppose that is why I love the idea if things get rotten in our life and times, we will "throw those lines, push of the docks, hoist those sails and make sharp that turn" and take off for parts unknown and unchartered. It's in a sailor's blood and often leads to new explorations and new settlements. I think we like the idea of tying up to an island somewhere nearby someday and not be a part of the madness just enjoy sailing.

Maybe that is the main reason I have continued with this Company so long is that I have to believe the mainland and big city stressors just get that old urge to run away and explore and the juices flowing for adventure!

Our history of the Florida Keys is knee deep in cultural diversity. How people end up in the Florid Keys, is a library of stories not one the same. It doesn't matter your background, color, ideas, lifestyles, we boast as "ONE HUMAN FAMILY" which is a bumper sticker that someone came up with in recent history and offers it free around town so go ahead and make this your next scavenger hunt when you come to the Key West area.

Call Captain Albert anytime seven days a week, 9 am - 9 pm
305 304 4911 when you are ready to go and do something different from a regular "inn" or boxed in hotel room experience. You will come back from staying on board a boat and sailing with a fresh view of life we promise.

It still happens to us and we have done this for years. Especially if you stay overnight at sea; there is hardly anyone but us that takes charters out to stay on anchor; it's just something about just watching the sun go down and a captain and first mate serving you dinner under the stars. NO T.V. to haunt you with the latest conquest and death tolls of the latest global war or disaster, or the canned crappy "breaking B'S" news; just the sounds of the waves lapping against the boat and if you time it right, you sit up all night watching the moon go across the heavens instead of CNN or the latest on Fox's Nearly News (sorry news casters; you just don't impress me much with your offerings; maybe come down here and let's put you out in the water ten or more miles out away from electronics and garbage!). Anyway, get away from whatever has it's hypnotic hold on you to stay up glued to the idiot box all night.

Got Key West Time to spend? Spend it with us; April-May-June- lots of openings but we are getting more popular and filling up fast.

Until next time, keep your back to the wind, keep your sails full and don't forget to tip a sailor or your waitress/waiter when you are in town.

Ronda first mate/ wife/ bottle washer/ office manager, et al
on behalf of Capt. Albert busier than a one armed pirate.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ship's bLog-KEY WEST 3/7/11

Ship's bLog-Key West Sail Boats have another banner weekend! The weather has been cooperating, but we do enjoy a short burst of rain now and then to keep the Keys Kolors of our beautiful spring time. Both boats are turning around; one of the boats went at sea over the weekend, and our two couples are reliving some fun memories and headed back home. Jeff and Kuni are going to arrive this afternoon, celebrating their 25th anniversary! They will take a four hour sail to the reef included with their stay. What fun. Live a dream second honeymoon!

Some Historic and Fun Things to look for in Key West Historic Seaport: (Remember the scavenger hunts when you were a kid? You get to be a kid again in Key West, just pace yourself).

As you walk around the seaport area on the harbor walk, look for these fun things:

Red Pepper Car created by local artist Dick Moody. It still is around and it's been several years now.

Large mural on a temporarily closed huge building done by famous international artist Wyland - who also has paintings exhibited on Duval Street.

Sign that shows mileage to Hawaii, Virgin Island, St. Elizabeth-Jamaica, Puerto Rico.

Look for a bowline knot or fisherman's bend knot.

Who does the statue represent? It's surrounded by restaurants that feature favorites of seafood, fishermen, and turtle racing.

Just walk around the Historic Seaport near our boats, you will find all these landmarks.

305 304 4911

Remember, you can make your own history when you visit with us. Live like a local, sail out to pirates' routes, argh, me mateys!

Capt. Albert and first mate, Ronda/ wife person
Who does that statue

Friday, March 4, 2011 Sail Boat Adventure Packages getting attention from Miami Families in March spring break!

Gmail - Buzz -
Key West Sailing Adventure packages are catching on with families from Miami. Just because it is spring break, your family would enjoy staying here late March or early April.

The Blum Family from Miami just booked one of our last minute openings in March, due to a cancellation on our 37 Ft. O'Day with lots of room for two small boys and access to the downtown museums with the nightly arts / entertainers sunset festival just a few blocks away. Once you park, most of the time you will just walk around the general vicinity of the sail boats. Restaurants, great Ice Cream Shop for breakfast/treats/ lunch sandwiches at the head of the dock, 2 nearby coffee shops (including wireless access at one on Caroline St.) are a short stroll away.

Yes, there will be some lively activity from the college crowd, but if you get up with children early to swim at nearby pool and get a lunch at Dante's Restaurant, you can take a taxi to Fort Zachary Taylor, visit the Eco-Discovery Center just to the right of the entrance first with a wonderful movie about the Florida Keys and the life forms unique to our area.

After you spend a 45 or hour tour there, then take a tour of the fort, proceed to the sandy beach with shallow water areas that are protected by large rocks, enjoy the snack bar, bathrooms and outdoor showers, rent an umbrella, kayaks, cool off under the whispering pines and if you bring your own goodies, there are BBQ pits and picnic tables to set up a lunch of your own.

Florida Keys is relaxed and low to no crime compared to the larger cities. Police are ever alert and friendly to our visitors with children.


During the 50's the area still had an influence of the Navy and gradually, people who visited decided to stay. The biggest worry during this time I have been told was the mosquitoes and since then, the Mosquito Board and services have educated and created guidelines to help residents get pests at bay with responsible use of water and keeping alert of problem areas.

In 1970, Sea Turtle Cannery was closed (Now there is an internationally famous Turtle Hospital in Marathon, about an hour away; but don't just show up; tours are monitored for size for the comfort and care of the turtles, so call ahead to make reservations and get tickets and pricing).

1975 Coast Guard moved onto the Navy Base. 1988 Boat Building resumes.

During the 70-80's Key West saw a "face lift" generated from our Alternative Life Style couples coming in taking great care to restore the Old Town Key West historic homes. You will see many of these homes on Fleming and Southard Street, along with our favorite restaurants, Cafe Sole top of the favorite list, Michaels nearby, and also Manga Manga, all around these streets that feature some of the most beautifully restored homes that came over from Turtle Cay on ships and boats from the Bahamas, lovingly put together, board by board, over 120 years ago.

Key West started to see some shifts in how the town was operating. Also in the 70's - Shrimpers moved over to the next island, Stock Island after living and working in the Historic Seaport off William Street. Downtown Key West and the Historic Seaport took their fishing and conch industry roots and turned the area into a tourist interest area. Stock Island got it's name from the cattle industry once actively being handled there.

In the 1970's - Tourism is growing and continues to be the main industry, with the fishing and shrimping industry holding steady.

NOTE: populations grew from 15,000 in the 40's to over 60,000 residents in season in the late 90s. Over 400,000 in 1998 people visited Key West in one year and now days, that probably is more like one to two million.

We have seen many changes recently in the shift of Key West the party town to a more accommodating town for families.

Alternative couples still find Key West a wonderful and welcoming destination too. There is a popular saying here; one human family - we do embrace different cultures from all over and accept them as our own, and do defend them too.

You will note that chickens and roosters and Key West Cats still stroll around. BUT PLEASE --- don't chase the chickens; a sheriff almost ticketed my adult step son stating that he would be cited for MOLESTING THE CHICKENS. I am not kidding folks. Our animals have rights too and wild kitties get shots and are neutered.

The Key West tourism industry has over the past 12 years started focusing on families more, and the airport service has improved with more connections. The airport was recently renovated to accommodate the additional legs from many more cities. Pricing has moderated and many from Florida cities should check to see newest available connecting flights.

Atlanta, Memphis, Dallas, and other larger cities in the South East have improved their connections with us.

Drive or fly, the door is always open!

CALL CAPTAIN ALBERT OR RONDA 305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm any day of the week because we are always on
what Howard Livingston and The Mile Marker 24 Band says is


March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Key West Sailing Adventure: The Sailboats Wild Thing and Obsession are busy again this weekend! A Ship's bLog: March 3 - 2011

Key West Sailing Adventure: The sailboats Wild Thing and Obsession are busy again this weekend! Ship's bLog: March 3rd 2011

We just love March high "season" when we have so much fun, that people could not stop hugging me at the docks the other day. We had a family with children at sea for two days and they just could not be happier. It is one of those memories that far out lasts just a stay at a hotel. If you need an adventure experience to remember your Key West visit, truly you need to have a stay/sail charter with us. Family and Alternative friendly, we want you to enjoy the fun and feel of sailing with us.

Reasonable rates for extended stays of six or more days are available to you.

History Lesson of the Day-

We are up to the time period that was some of Key West's toughest years. However, the island ways are different from being on the mainland. Even with folks you are not close to, during harder times, you just work harder shoulder to shoulder. After all, if you are on an island, you just have what you have sometimes.

The Western Union was the last large boat built before the industry closed. Big News-hurricane wipes out the famous Flagler Railroad in the 30's. The islands were cut off from the mainland. Locals volunteered FOUR MILLION HOURS OF FREE LABOR to rebuild the island and work on the railroad. In 1941 the US Navy renews it's activity in Key West. The "big wars" happening during this time made Key West a critical location.

Hold your friends close, but keep your enemies closer; that is a saying that you would never understand unless you have been stranded on an island!

In other words, during hard times, on an island- you got what you got, make the best of it and wait until tomorrow to not be happy with your troublesome neighbors. Help out a brother or sister. Resume the battle lines another time.

You might actually bury that hatchet.

Good words, coming from the Conch Republic from Ronda and Capt. Albert; hey, someone share this with some of these crazy folks at war overseas. Save a sailor and a soldier, work with your enemies with their problems like islanders.

What if the world was bombarded by solar flares, world wide quakes or storms, or major planetary disasters, huge meteorites (like we had happen a couple of years ago at our Sugarloaf House when we were pounded for two and a half hours with thumb size meteors; I had to medicate Ronda when I said "what if those meteorites were the size of this house???"
Keep that emergency closet ready like we do for hurricanes. We don't worry about that much, we still party and have fun, but islanders prepare and relax in the sun until rough times. We know we have our friends and frienimies standing by.

Ok pontificating over argh me mateys! Git yer stash and swag it down to Key West Sailing Adventures, Inc. 201 William St. Historic Seaport right next to Schooner Wharf Bar and Restaurant, Key West.
]305 304 4911 9 am - 9 pm

PS: We own the weather but you know that by now...
Have a good afternoon, see you next time!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gmail - Search results -

Key West Sailing Adventures, Inc. Ship's Log/Blog
Today's History Lesson 3/2/11

The past week, we are enjoying a busy time on both sailboats with happy clients and busy crew members. This weekend we march into March like a lion with Thursday check in of two couples on Wild Thing and Saturday Obsession has a couple checking in. Both stay/sail charters have opted to stay several nights to enjoy the ambiance of living aboard a vessel in the Historic Seaport.

Today's History Lesson: 1921-1934:

Wrecking licenses were stopped. Cigar makers moved to Tampa, salt pond venture stopped. In 1932 the U.S. Navy station closed. In 1934 the City of Key West was bankrupt and the government stepped in to help with the rehabilitation.

This sounds familiar with our country's current condition. However, South Florida seems to be going into a tourism boom as the situation in Mexico, the middle east and other parts of the world have their share of problems right now, discouraging potential tourists from visiting outside the United States. We are located in the American Caribbean with the Temperate Zone changing to the Sub Tropic Zone at the Monroe County/Dade County line, located just above Jewfish Creek as you begin entering into the Florida Keys. Spring travels at 17 miles a day from the Equator, and arrives here in Key West first, weeks before the rest of the country. Come down and see for yourself what a trip out into the ocean will do for you and your state of mind.

We are "livin' on Key West Time"

Welcome everyone to your dream vacation!!! 305 304 4911

Call us for your ideas if you can dream it we will do it!

March 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sailing Charters FL Sailing Charter Key West Yacht Charters

Ship's bLog: Tuesday, 2/22/11: Presidents Washington's birthday was today! Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sailing Charters FL Sailing Charter Key West Yacht Charters

We have a busy week-it was a long weekend for many folks and Key West was full of tourists. Now, more of our customers choosing to go out to sea at least one maybe two nights at anchor during their stay. You really cannot appreciate what the Keys Style is unless you are at sea, this is an island town rich in history and in so much connection to the sea.

History Lesson of the Day, 1905-1912:
Henry Morrison Flagler built a railroad from Miami to Key West. The trip took eleven hours and cost $24.00 for a round trip, a considerable amount at the time, but now it takes about 4 hours more or less depending on flights into Miami, what you want to explore on the way down and it is much more relaxed and a better route than even the 1970's.

A family just got back today from an overnight and sailing charter at sea. "Frenchy" and Capt. Jim had a sailing fishing type of charter and with mom and dad, three children, it must have been quiet the experience for the family. The turtles were everywhere, and turtles were eating up any jelly fish or man o' wars out at sea, dolphins were coming up to the boat. "Frenchy" and Capt. Chris are going to turn around and team back up again for the first time since December to take two people out for two days Wednesday and Thursday nights. Boca Grande, Marquesa, and two reefs are on the plan so far, it just depends on the guests and what they want to do as well as the winds and weather. "Frenchy" plans to clean the Wild Thing tomorrow, shop for the other charter going back out to sea and has a sunset sail as well. Hopping from boat to boat is our newest member, "Sunshine" who is a boat cleaning fiend. Our staff is a nice blend of expertise. "Frenchy" was a Canadian figure skating champ and can hoist a sail as good as men on the helm, and "Sunshine" has a history of understanding how important it is to keep the systems and the boat in working order.

All of our staff work to make sure that provisioning the boat is according to wishes and personal needs of our customers. There is no one else that takes charters to stay on the hook/ at anchor that we know of and we have done it 14-15 years. Live like a local and follow the pirates' routes!

Thursday, another group takes out the Obsession and will be at docks for at least three nights. In their package, is included a free sail to the reefs at a time that they choose. Most of the Key West Charters to the reefs are set and only to one particular place without regard to weather or winds. We do take all those factors into consideration and take the customers to what we feel is a best choice for that day according to wind and weather. Other charter companies have only a set choice, and go there at a particular time; with us, you choose your time, no strangers on board, our crew take you out and first mates go in to the water with you to make sure that you are safe, having fun and are exploring/understanding the reefs.

As to the charter on Thursday; They check in while we are on the road in Ft. Lauderdale on Thursday. My wife, office mgr. and first mate that trains all of our help will have knee surgery. It is a busy week where our staff will really shine.

Talk about exploring me mateys! Argh!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sail...

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sail...: "Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sailing Charters FL Sailing Charter Key West Yacht Charters If you plan to stay in Key West du..."

Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sailing Charters FL Sailing Charter Key West Yacht Charters

Key West Sailing Adventure - Key West Florida Sailing Charters FL Sailing Charter Key West Yacht Charters

If you plan to stay in Key West during April or May, OR want to have a June wedding on a boat at sea with a dream honeymoon, OR maybe you have an interest in someday living on a sail boat for your retirement or just want to learn how to sail, start this Spring by staying on Wild Thing or Obsession and get some local knowledge from owner/operator Captain Albert Tropea, Jr.

"Our customers come to Key West looking for a bit of an adventure," states Tropea, "we check the customers and future sailors aboard one of the sail boats instead of a local hotel/motel/inn, show them the basic operations of the boat answer questions about nearby services, and leave them alone for their stay/sail charter to learn what it feels like to sleep on the boats, and then we come back at a time of their choosing to go sailing."

What is a sailing package, Albert? "If the charter is for only two days, we still can get a two hour sunset or day sail out of the harbor or if they stay 3 days or longer, a four hour sail/swim/snorkel at one of the reefs nearby."
What makes Key West Sailing Adventure different from the big sailing vessels and other charters? "When you book with us, we don't take a group of others out during the time you have your charter reserved with you. It is your boat for the time reserved for your private party. You may prepare morning coffee on the boat, have your privacy, cook on a gas stove with oven, store beverages either in your refrigerator or in an ice chest provided for you and only when you say is the captain and first mate to meet you and take you sailing."

Anyone that stays on either boat is made to feel welcome, comfortable and relaxed and to think of the boat as their own boat for the time that they are here in Key West. Prices have not been raised yet from the 2009-2010 rates and start at 295/night double occupancy on Obsession and 395/night on Wild Thing, with additional 45 per person over two people. Two couples and even two more children or single adults can sleep on the boat. Linens and towels with bathroom amenities included. Boat Showers on the vessels for a quick rinse, or take a long hot shower on land based private marina facility. Laundry room at shower house, and pool nearby if you buy drinks or meals.

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure 2/20/11

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure 2/21/11

Happy President's Day-we were up at 5:45 am to make ready both Obsession for a couple doing one of our stay/sail charters at the docks with a sail to the reef included, and an overnight for Wild Thing for a mom, dad and three children all under 12.

Linens, towels, food, fuel, captain and mate were put together early, with a last review of where to go and what to expect. The sail boat Wild Thing is getting ready to launch in a few minutes (at 11:10 EST) for their noon departure. They are just getting the fuel situation worked out and last minute check on systems. The first mate, "Frenchy" and Captain Jim will prepare the meals tonight with breakfast for the family and lunch included. They will sail all day tomorrow and go out exploring until around sunset tomorrow.

It is a beautiful Florida Keys day for a sail to uninhabited islands overnight at anchor with dinner for the family under the stars!

Todays History Lesson:

A vocabulary lesson when the locals talk and say "gulf side" that means Gulf of Mexico, part of the ocean partly enclosed by land.

Schooner is one of the larger sailing vessels having a foremast and a main sail.

Pelican: world's largest web-footed bird.

"Charter" in Key West is to lease or hire, and you have lots of choices from various sized schooners or sail boats, speed boats, fishing charters to catamarans some with a lot of people on them and a very few that only take private sails like us:

The Key West seaport is on the Gulf side of the island. All size boats, ships, yachts and schooners can be found in this harbor.

Many people arrive by their own boat or yacht and live on them while here. The world famous schooner, Western Union was built in Key West in 1935. After many years away, it is docked here and a permanent part of our history. You may see other boat builders in the seaport area.

If you like pelicans, you will find them here. The pelicans hang around the docks until the day is almost over. They feed from fish the crew throw away when they fillet the fish caught by either themselves or the customers of the fishing charter boats. Pelicans can seem to embody a laid-back attitude almost lazy of hanging out relaxing just waiting for their next Keys meal. As you walk along you will see charter boats for fishing or trips to the Dry Tortugas. There is no drinking water at teh "dry" Tortugas, which explains the name.

This is where Dr. Mudd was in prison for setting the leg of John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed President Lincoln. Who knew that???!!

Thanks readers! That is your President's Day trivia and maybe the reason why you hear the negative phrase "his name is Mudd" meant derogatory

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure 2/20/11

Ship's bLog: Key West Sailing Adventure 2/20/11: "SUN-day was wonderful in the Florida Keys especially in Key West this weekend. It is starting off tomorrow to be yet another fun fille..."

Key West Sailing Adventure 2/20/11

SUN-day was wonderful in the Florida Keys especially in Key West this weekend.  It is starting off tomorrow to be yet another fun filled and busy week!  We are having a staff meeting tomorrow, gearing up for overnight at anchor this week, and the boats will be occupied for stay/sail charters early in the week, then mid week after our   guests leave, we have another full set for both boats coming right behind them!  As my wife might say, "there is not enough room on the schedule to place a leopard frog" and we like it that way; sharing the boating/sailing Key West Experience, locals' style.

Today's trivia/ history lesson:
1868-1898: was when Cubans came to Key West to avoid military service in Spain (well, there's news to me, someone fleeing to our country to avoid serving war?) In 1869, Key West became the biggest cigar making industry in the U.S.  and it was during this time period, that the worst fire in Key West history destroyed over HALF OF THE ISLAND!  In 1898, the U.S.S. Maine sailed from Key West to Havana and was sunk-this started the Spanish/ American War!  How's that history buffs!  Canons rolled out firing right here in Key West.

More recent history is that Mallory Square Dock is the original place since 1880 to enjoy the sunset and a favorite for years. This is where folks just would start clapping at sunset and cheering.  Now yo will see free entertainment, arts that you may buy, usually some type of food offered too on the Square each evening 2 hours before and after sunset.  The entertainers do pay for their spot to perform, and they do rely on tourists to offer tips as do the artists, jewelry designers and other crafts offered must create a little fun for you, and please offer a tip for their hard work!  The Square has always been a focal point for Key West.  In the last 15 years many improvements have been made to this docks.  If you are in town on the right day, you may be able to watch the tug boats working to move a large cruise ships away from the dock.  Usually most cruise ships are gone by sunset.  Occasionally, a cruise ship might over stay their time but you can usually find a nice spot to get above it all to see the sun go down....BETTER YET< plan a sunset cruise with us, or a half or full day and roll into sunset.  Tell us what you want, it's all your boat for your private group or a cozy time for just you and someone special and time of the day you want to go..... see us at 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog Glorious Weekend in Florida Keys!

Ship's bLog: Ship's bLog Glorious Weekend in Florida Keys!: "Ship's bLog February 19, 2011 We are really hopping from boat to boat this month and the next! If you are planning to stay with us, bette..."

Ship's bLog Glorious Weekend in Florida Keys!

Ship's bLog February 19, 2011

We are really hopping from boat to boat this month and the next! If you are planning to stay with us, better call now for April and May.
Weddings will start booking too, so if you or a friend have a wish to be wed on the water, I can do it; I am now a 'captain-minister' for at sea weddings.
Key West is one of the top locations next to the Las Vegas wedding destination for weddings. I can put it together really quick and easy; we have wed over 60 couples in recent years, so let me take the stress out of your dream tropical wedding. I do everything, flowers for the bride and groom, nice cake with star fish and shell appointments made out of icing, help you find the court house for the license and answer any other questions.

Today's Weekend Trivia:
What is a catamaran? Looks like two boats put together!

Key West was at one time the richest city in the state of Florida. If you stop at the corner of Front and Duval, you will see two things that are a part of Key West. First the large First Union Bank originally built in 1886 with the huge mahogany balcony; how the heck did they get that up there?!

Next, if you stand on this corner long enough you will probably see every kind of transportation we have on the island. Taxi cabs, ped-i-cabs, automobiles, trucks of all kinds, shuttle bus, city bus, tour bus, two wheel bikes, three wheels and tandem bikes, mopeds, motorcycles, conch trains, trolleys, roller blades, skateboards, and walking. That is at 17 so far. To the left at the end of Duval you will see glass bottom boats.

Continue on Front Street to the boardwalk. At the foot o Front Street is A & B Marina. Here you will start to see all the forms of transportation we have in the water. Look for catamarans, sailboats (we are at the historic seaport near Schooner Wharf), schooners, motor boats, yachts, cabin cruisers, cruise ships, charter boats, tug boats, military boats, ferry boats, canoes, kayaks, row boats, water taxis and jet skis.

You know for a two by four mile island, we certainly like to have a lot of options to be on the move!

Get out on the water and sail with us! Join us again - Back tomorrow with another segment on the history of Key West and how we are doing sailing!

Tell your friends to follow us for Key West trivia, fun and reports about sailing on Twitter, Face Book & Ship's Blog

Captain Albert, owner/operator, with
Ronda, wife, first mate, chief bottle washer, laundry, boat cleaner, chair psychologist office manager, et all